Релиз кандидат jQuery 1.7 RC1
Скачать и попробовать его можно по этим сылкам:
- #9399: Deprecate jqXHR.success and jqXHR.error
- #5479: removeAttr: remove multiple attributes
- #6743: map enctype to encoding, depending on browser
- #10176: Injected script tag is evaluated twice
- #10278: checkboxEl.attr(‘checked’) returns stale value after checkboxEl.click()
- #10429: IE7 – invalid procedure call or argument when calling removeAttr(‘contenteditable’);
- #10514: removeAttr does not remove the class attribute in IE6/7
- #6485: Solution for HTML5 in IE
- #7102: Register jQuery as a CommonjS async module
- #9453: $.inArray does not support fromIndex
- #10478: Switch jQuery.isNaN to jQuery.isNumeric
- #10267: IE8 and window is(‘:visible’) crashes
- #7323: Allow removing multiple data keys at once with $.fn.removeData
- #8909: $(element).data() will scan all attributes more than needed.
- #8921: jQuery private data should stay private
- #8856: Request: deferred.isUnresolved()
- #9033: try{ } finally{ } error in IE8
- #9398: Proposal for Improved Deferreds
- #9434: .outerWidth()/.outerHeight()/.innerWidth()/.innerHeight() should work on window and document
- #5684: Effects: exception in animation callback causes endless loop
- #6150: .stop sometimes doesn’t clear .delay
- #6641: Calling stop() within animation finished callback causes other animations to freeze
- #8685: Animations should keep track of animation state in order to properly address stacked animations
- #9280: Allow multiple effect queues for animate()
- #9548: animate does not work with fill-opacity css property for svg elements
- #10416: defaultDisplay returns block instead of table-row for a tr in FF
- #10445: Setting queue to true causes an error
- #10497: .stop should allow choosing which queue to stop
- #3368: event.metaKey should be assigned to event.ctrlKey on Non-Mac only
- #6170: jQuery(window).scroll(); causes IE* to scroll to 0,0
- #6319: Regression: stopPropagation inside change handlers in IE is incorrectly applied to keydown event
- #6386: support data argument for live events via "event.special.live.add”
- #6593: IE8: DOM 0 event handler called twice when a separate handler is attached via jQuery
- #6667: submit event doesn’t delegate in IE* under certain conditions
- #6903: special events need a way to determine whether they are being bound with .bind vs .live/.delegate
- #6942: JQuery.event.fix causes unnecessary reflows in IE when handling key events
- #7139: "hover” event alias should work for .bind as well as .live
- #7161: Submit event on a form element not unbound properly in IE
- #7444: Submitting form with "Enter” instead of button click on ie8 or ie7 triggers live submit event twice.
- #8157: Focusing an already focused text field will prevent the change event from firing in IE
- #8728: Event ‘mouseenter’ not firing when the element being left is removed on leaving
- #8789: Meta: Event Property Hooks
- #8858: Special events – _default method doesn’t have access to the `data` argument of the trigger method
- #8866: IE8 input[type=file] delegated change event files only on blur
- #8982: bind("unload someOther”) => on unload, handler is not executed only once.
- #9069: when hover over a child of an element, mouseleave fires when using live or delegate
- #9279: delegate() bind does not handle mouseover/mouseout and mouseenter/mouseout correctly for selected elements
- #9393: Unify and DRY out event system
- #9593: Delegated submit event is not instanceof jQuery.Event in IE
- #9724: Infinite loop in trigger function when window.parentNode is a DOM element
- #9901: event.handleObj.namespace incorrect when using .delegate
- #9933: jQuery.fn.toggle() should store state in private data object
- #9951: Wrong order in .trigger() when DOM is modified in a handler
- #10375: Do not include `type` in jQuery.event.props
- #10438: Rename jQuery.event.propHooks => .fixHooks
- #10468: Remove deprecated jQuery.event.guid and jQuery.event.proxy
- #10489: Disconnected elements bubble to window on .trigger()
- #10531: Consider removing layerX and layerY from $.event.props
- #10563: jQuery.Event no longer contains the element that matched the selector in event delegation.
- #6782: carefully allow more strings to use innerHTML
- #7037: Duplicate mouseover and mouseout events added to cloned element.
- #10501: HTML5 element "innerShiv” inconsistent across html()/append()
- #10553: Further reduction of minimal license header
- #3144: Inconsistent cross-browser results from .text() method
- #5637: Boolean (and Empty) Attribute Selectors Fail
- #6863: faster getText
- #7128: attribute selector is inconsistent between qSA and Sizzle due to use of DOM properties
- #8539: Sizzle cache collision in browsers without querySelectorAll
- #9261: Has Attribute not working in filter/children/siblings
- #9570: Selector $(‘form[name=".."]‘) returns zero elements in IE8 under some conditions
- #10178: $(window).is("a”) >> Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method ‘toLowerCase’ of undefined
- #10315: Sizzle ignores seed argument when using positional selectors
- #10562: siblings method returns unexpected elements when using Sizzle-invoking pseudo-selectors
- #5145: jQuery.support.opacity = false in the Chrome browser
- #6809: Add jQuery.support.fixedPosition
- #10558: Test Support bug
- #10449: Function $("#id”).closest(".class”) returns element $("#id”) itself if it has .class