2 040 Codepen

Красочный мир турбулентности

Разноцветные частицы закручиваются в одну или несколько спиралей на канвасе. По клику генерируется новая случайная картинка.


body {
  font-family: Arial, Helvetica, "Liberation Sans", FreeSans, sans-serif;
  background-color: #000;


"use strict";

 * Written by Dillon https://codepen.io/Dillo
 * Inspired in very large part by Alex Andrix's work on Codepen
 * https://codepen.io/alexandrix/pen/jgyWww
 * @author Alex Andrix <alex@alexandrix.com>
 * @since 2019

  const nbEddies = 5;
  const nbParticles = 1000; // number of particles
  const lifeTime = 1000; // average lifetime of particles

  let canv, ctx;   // canvas and drawing context
  let maxx, maxy;  // size of client Window
  let dimx, dimy;  // size of canvas

  let eddies;      // array of eddies
  let particles;   // array of particles

  let requestID;   // ID provided by window.requestAnimationFrame();
  let hueShift;

/* shortcuts for Math */

  const mrandom = Math.random; // see above alternative function for reproductible results
  const mfloor = Math.floor;
  const mround = Math.round;
  const mceil = Math.ceil;
  const mabs = Math.abs;
  const mmin = Math.min;
  const mmax = Math.max;

  const mPI = Math.PI;
  const mPIS2 = Math.PI / 2;
  const m2PI = Math.PI * 2;
  const msin = Math.sin;
  const mcos = Math.cos;
  const matan2 = Math.atan2;
  const mexp = Math.exp;

  const mhypot = Math.hypot;
  const msqrt = Math.sqrt;

// miscellaneous functions

  function alea (min, max) {
// random number [min..max[ . If no max is provided, [0..min[

    if (typeof max == 'undefined') return min * mrandom();
    return min + (max - min) * mrandom();

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  function intAlea (min, max) {
// random integer number [min..max[ . If no max is provided, [0..min[

    if (typeof max == 'undefined') {
      max = min; min = 0;
    return mfloor(min + (max - min) * mrandom());
  } // intAlea

function createEddy () {

  return {
   x: alea (dimx),
   y: alea (dimy), 
   x: dimx / 2,
   y: dimy / 2, 
//   coeffR: 0.0,        // coefficient for radial velocity
   coeffR: 0.001 * (alea(0.7, 1.3)),        // coefficient for radial velocity
   radius: 150 + alea(-50, 50),          // radius where angular velocity is max
   coeffA1: 10000 * alea(0.8, 1.2),         // coefficient in exponent for angular velocity
   coeffA2: 0.01 * alea(0.8, 1.2),       // multiplying coefficient for angular velocity
   dir: (mrandom() > 0.5) ? 1 : -1 // direction of rotation

} // createEddy

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function createEddies() {
  eddies = [];                  // create empty array;
  for (let k = 0; k < nbEddies; ++k) {
  } // for k
} // createEddies

function createParticle() {

  return {
    x: alea (-100, dimx + 100),
    y: alea (-100, dimy + 100),
    sat:  `${intAlea(50, 101)}%`,
    light: `${intAlea(30, 80)}%`,
    TTL: alea(lifeTime * 0.8, lifeTime * 1.2) // time to live
} // createParticle
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function createParticles() {
  particles = [];                  // create empty array;
  for (let k = 0; k < nbParticles; ++k) {
  } // for k
  particles.forEach (part => {
    part.TTL = intAlea(lifeTime); // to avoid too many deaths / births in firts generations
} // createParticles

function move() {

  let part, prev, dx, dy, s, c, r, rv, av, deltar;
  let mindeltar;
  for (let k = 0; k < nbParticles; ++k) {
    part = particles[k];
// death and re-birth
    if (part.TTL <= 0) {
      part = createParticle();
      particles[k] = part;

    prev = {x: part.x, y: part.y}; // position before this move
    mindeltar = 10000; // used to evaluate hue
    eddies.forEach ((eddy, ke) => {
      dx = prev.x - eddy.x;
      dy = prev.y - eddy.y;
      r = mhypot(dx, dy);    // distance particle - centre of the eddy

      if (r < 0.001) r = 0.001;
      s = dy / r; // sine of angle
      c = dx / r; // cosine of angle
// angular velocity
      deltar = r - eddy.radius;
      av = eddy.coeffA2 * mexp (- deltar * deltar / eddy.coeffA1) * eddy.dir;
// radial velocity
      rv = - deltar * eddy.coeffR;
      part.x += rv * c -  av * r * s;
      part.y += rv * s +  av * r * c;
    }) // (loop on eddies)
    --part.TTL; // decrease time to live
// draw it
    let speed =mhypot (prev.x - part.x, prev.y - part.y) ;
    let hue = mmin (speed * 100, 300); // hue based on speed
    hue = (hue + hueShift) % 360;
    ctx.moveTo (prev.x, prev.y);
    ctx.lineTo (part.x, part.y);
    ctx.strokeStyle = `hsl(${hue},${part.sat},${part.light})`;

  } // for k (loop on particles)
} // move



function startOver() {

// canvas dimensions

  maxx = window.innerWidth;
  maxy = window.innerHeight;

  dimx = maxx - 8; // for a small margin around the canvas
  dimy = maxy - 8; // for a small margin around the canvas

  canv.style.left = (maxx - dimx) / 2 + 'px';
  canv.style.top = (maxy - dimy) / 2 + 'px';

  canv.width = dimx;
  canv.height = dimy;
  ctx.lineWidth = 1.5;
  ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;

  hueShift = intAlea(360);

  if (typeof requestID == 'number') window.cancelAnimationFrame(requestID);
  (function animate () {
    requestID = window.requestAnimationFrame(animate);

} // startOver

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

function clickCanvas() {
// beginning of execution

    canv = document.createElement('canvas');
    canv.style.position = "absolute";
    ctx = canv.getContext('2d');

  } // canvas creation




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